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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

WBT: The First Hour of the First Day of School!!

The chat today was on what to do within the first hour of the first day of school! If you did not catch the live broadcast you can watch a rebroadcast anytime (24 hours a day) at
Find the video library and click on "The First Hour" video and enjoy. 

Please share any activities your think are essential or great for the first hour, day, or week of school! 

Below is the response I posted to the forum.

WBT Webcast: The First Hour  
 Hat and glasses coming off....“Reform has to be free and voluntary!”  It is great to see so many first time postings in relation to this broadcast.  What a motivational broadcast to encounter as your first “free and voluntary” introduction to WBT.  For those of us who aren’t seeing WBT for the first time we are already believers and practitioners of such a powerful reform!!   
  It is amazing how many strengths can be squeezed into “The First Hour”!  I will have to simply choose a few of my favorites (some I have used for a while and some I learned tonight!).  I have always appreciated the fact that WBT is polite, respectful, and energetic.  These characteristics come through in the very first sentences spoken (whether they are in the hallway or in the classroom)!  This presentation also reminded me of just how important scaffolding and repetition are in getting students to retain both desired information and behavior.  
I have used the Three Peat for many years now.  In middle school I probably use it most when having students open to certain pages in the textbook or in their binders.  I absolutely love the idea of having them practice with imaginary books in the beginning!  I have used something similar to the Learning Names Game that Coach B discussed.   He is correct when saying that you can learn the majority of the names in a class period worth of time.  However, even with my brain running at top speed I don’t know if I could get it completed in 8 minutes!  For my version of this game check out the WBT Middle School facebook page! :) 
Lastly, I believe that the idea of reform that Coach B speaks of is not only happening among teachers but is also happening in the classrooms.  Think about it!  Your students will be voluntarily participating in a free reform of their own WITH you!  The biggest weakness I see is not having the WBT spread fast enough.  I know it is spreading far enough but education needs major reform now!  As teaching professionals it is imperative to share our knowledge and excitement about WBT and to help one another along the way.  I look forward to hearing from all the great reformers out there!
Always Another Day In Paradise,
~Jason McKinney


  1. I can't find the video "The First Hour" on WBT web site.

    1. Debbie,

      It should be with the rest of the videos on the home page. You cannot view them from the phone or iPad. Let me know if you are still having trouble finding it!

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